(i).Networking of network connecting all the computer of the world together is called INTERNET.
When was internet started in India?
 Ans. In 15th August 1995 VSNL has opened the gates for internet.

(i)                   It is the networking of connecting two or more computer together cable or wireless.
Write the Full form of the following.
  1. TCP/IP :- Transmission control protocol/ Internet Protocol.
  2. HTTP:- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
  3. FTP:- File Transfer Protocol.
  4. VOIP:- Voice Over Internet Protocol.
  5. POP:- Post Office Protocol.
  6. ISP:- Internet Service Provider.
  7. WAIS:- Wide Area Information Server.
  8. WAN:- Wide Area Network.
  9. LAN:- Local Area Network.
  10. MAN:- Metropolitan Area Network.
  11. NCSA :- National Center for Super Computer.
  12. NFS :- Network File System.
  13. NIC:- Network Interface Card.
  14. IDE :- Integrated Device Electronics.
  15. ISDN :- Integrated Services Digital Network
  16. VAN:- Value Added Network.
  17. PSDN :- Public Service Digital Network.(CELL)
  18. PSTN:- Public Switched Telephone Networks.
  19. VSAT:- Very Small Aperture Terminal.
  20. RAS :- Remote Access Services.
  21. ATM:- Asynchronous Transfer Mode.
  22. EDI :- Electronic Data Interchange.
  23. NICNET:- National Informatics Center Networks
  24. ERNET :- Education and Research Network.
  25. NOS :- Network Operating System.
  26. RAAS :- Remote Area Access Server.
  27. IE :- Internet Explorer.
  28. SVC :- Switched Virtual Circuit
  29. P2P:- Peer to Peer.
  30. PS :- Point of Sale.

WWW:-World Wide Web side
Search throughout the world
HTTP:-Hyper Terminal Transfer
è It is the formula or technology to transfer data through cable and satellite.
-> The application used to open web side or browser internet.
                -> INTERNET EXPLORE
                -> GOOGLE CHROME
                -> MOZILLA FIRFOX
                -> NETSCOPE NAVIGATOR
                -> SAFARI ect…………
 HTML:-Hyper Text Markup Language
è The language used to develop webpage.
è Webpage:- it the page or search for the web side
è Web side :-The collection of  web pages is called web side
Electric Mail:-This service is used create personal Email id in the net by using this service you can send mail documents, images, audio ,videos, etc….
                                                To another email address-
Popular free email service providers
è Yahoo
è Rediff
Create one account as you like
      Such as,,
how to create email account
ü     Open the browser (type the address click on the create button
ü     Now show form than fill up and click the next button
ü     Then enter the verification code received (massage on your mobile phone) and click to continuous.
ü     Next –next……
 How to open email account:-
Ø  Go to address bar (type the address bar
Ø  Then type the search bar(email) or click on the sign in button
Ø  Type:-user name or password…
Ø  Continues………….
Ø  Now open your email menu

How to check the mail
Ø  Click on the inbox and read……………………..
How to send mail
Ø  Click on the compose button
Ø  To …….(Type the email id (whom send the document))
Ø  Subject (Type the subject name what you send )
Then type the massage in the space provided typing massage
Ø  Then click on the send button to send it.
How to send documents/images/files as attachment:-
Ø  In the compose screen click on attach file button
Ø  Then selected the required file to upload and send

Ø  In order to do net banking you need to register at your bank and available the user name and password
Ø  Or own create your user name or password (how to create net banking on the internet side)
Ø  Go to search bar (type the search bar SBIONLINE )
Ø  Click on the sign in button
Ø  Show details and form fill up
Ø  Next
Ø  Click on ATM CARD option
Ø  Details fill up
Ø  Next
Ø  Create your user name or password
Ø  Next….
Ø  Now you can log in to the banking web side and do the transaction like found transfer from one account to another account, online Recharge (Mobile, TV, Boadband Bill, Current Bill,etc…..)
Now you can use:
                                ->All Type Ticket booking
                                ->Online shopping
                                ->Bill payment
                                ->All Type of Recharge
